So you’ve passed your A-Levels – and a degree is your next goal? But you also want variety and financial independence? Then a dual study programme at Effgen Lapport Schleiftechnik could be the perfect choice for you!
In our dual study programme, you will have the opportunity to gain an internationally recognised degree as a Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Engineering or Bachelor of Science.
We offer dual study programmes in Business Administration (BWL), Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science.
Your profile:
You should have achieved good grades in your (technical) baccalaureate or higher school leaving exams (e.g. Abitur, A-Level) with strong marks in German, mathematics and English.
You are highly motivated and enjoy new challenges.
The dual study programme and your subsequent career:
In alternating three-month blocks, you will first study the theory at university and then implement your new knowledge and techniques in practice at the company. The course duration is 6 semesters/3 years.
During your dual study programme, you will get to know the areas of the company relevant to your degree.
In the practical semesters, you will generally work on a project that is based on the theory you have just learned. Your task will be to solve a problem that exists in the relevant department.
Our current partner universities are:
- University of Applied Sciences Trier; Environmental Campus Birkenfeld
- DHBW Karlsruhe
- DHBW Mannheim
After graduating, you will be able to choose from a wide range of options as a junior manager.
*All training courses offered by Effgen Lapport Schleiftechnik are open to m/f/d applicants.

Send us your application documents:
Günter Effgen GmbH
Am Teich 3-5
55756 Herrstein | Germany
Telephone: +49 (0) 67 85 – 18 – 0
Lapport Schleiftechnik GmbH
Rosenhofstraße 55
67677 Enkenbach-Alsenborn | Germany
Telephone: + 49 (0) 63 03 – 92 11 – 0
Fax: + 49 (0) 63 03 – 66 25