We are pleased to offer holiday or temporary jobs to school pupils and students. We offer them positions in our mechanical or surface coating departments.

Here, you will support our production teams in their work and help to ensure that production processes run smoothly. In addition to your pay, you will learn about our daily work and make new contacts with our friendly and competent staff. The experience and contacts you gain during your holiday or temporary job will be very helpful if you decide to apply for a position as an apprentice or trainee.

To apply for a holiday or temporary job, please send your application documents to:

Günter Effgen GmbH
Am Teich 3-5
55756 Herrstein | Germany
Telephone: +49 (0) 67 85 – 18 – 0


Lapport Schleiftechnik GmbH
Rosenhofstraße 55
67677 Enkenbach-Alsenborn | Germany
Telephone: + 49 (0) 63 03 – 92 11 – 0
Fax:             + 49 (0) 63 03 – 66 25

*All jobs offered by Effgen Lapport Schleiftechnik are open to m/f/d.